COP26 - Let’s pray!

In a few days, world leaders will start arriving in Glasgow for the largest summit ever hosted in the U.K. Not only is this gathering large in numbers, it is also immensely significant for the future of all of us on God’s earth. The outcomes of these talks will have a direct bearing on whether the steady rise in global temperatures since 1900 can be first slowed and then brought back into balance (net zero carbon emissions).  

The effects of rising temperatures are felt most acutely in nations which are less industrialised, who therefore contribute far less to the carbon emissions that cause warming of the earth's surface and lower levels of the atmosphere.

The Christian relief charity Tearfund works with partners in many of these countries. They and many other voices are calling on the global community to make changes in the face of the devastation already experienced by many people across the world. The examples below are small snapshots:
- In Honduras fishing communities are disappearing as sea levels rise;
- In Zimbabwe food insecurity results in malnutrition; the drying up of wells means that clean water is much more difficult to access;
- In Sri Lanka after years of destructive flooding, many people have become trapped in debt.
Note - Tearfund will send daily prayer updates to your phone,

God hears our prayers!

So how can we pray about this global issue?

I find this pattern helpful:

 -  to give thanks that God is the Just Judge and that ultimately He will not let wickedness go unpunished,
 -  to lament that as humankind we have not used the resources of the earth with fairness and humility,
 - to intercede, asking God to turn the hearts of governments towards justice and equality.

Father God, May Your Kingdom come!

- Catherine Horton

* For more information, you may also find the previous blog entitled 'Harvest, Justice and Climate' helpful. 
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