Usher in the Kingdom

As you go, proclaim this message: “The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.”’ Matthew 10:7-8.

In Matthew 10:7 we are called to ‘go and proclaim this message: “The kingdom of heaven has come near.”’ Have you ever asked yourself; what is the kingdom of heaven?

By kingdom of heaven, Jesus means the manifestation and domain as Him as the Messiah and Saviour of the world. Right now, this kingdom of heaven is of a spiritual nature and is present in the hearts of believers. However, there will be a time when this kingdom will be physically when Jesus has His throne on this earth (Revelation 11:15).

The shortest illustration/parable Jesus used for the kingdom of heaven is in Matthew 13:33: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.’
Since last year I have started to bake bread, so for the first time in my life I bought yeast. I never really understood this parable of Jesus, as I wasn’t familiar what yeast is or what it does. However, I learnt it quickly when I tried to bake bread and didn’t put yeast in. The bread wasn’t well risen and it might have been delicious but it was hard and doughy.

‘Yeast is the driving force behind fermentation, the magical process that allows a dense mass of dough to become a well-risen loaf of bread.’

Jesus used this principle of yeast for the Kingdom of Heaven. A few principles we can learn from the yeast parable are:

1) Small beginnings – yeast is small, in fact it is microscopic, but it affects the whole dough. Jesus established His kingdom with only 12 disciples, and it changed the whole world.

2) Yeast operates from within the dough not from outside. God changes people from the inside. The internal changes take place first in the heart and then manifests outwardly afterwards.

3)  Slow and silent process – you can’t see the yeast at work, but you can see the outcome. It is working continually and silently and as the dough rises the more you can see the work of the yeast. The same is with the kingdom of heaven.

So, let us apply this principle and proclaim the kingdom of heaven. It might start small, it might not been seen and might be slow and in silent, but it will change the world as the kingdom of heaven is like yeast.

- Manuel Heinke

Inward prayer: Lord, give me the courage of going and proclaiming the kingdom of heaven. Let me not despise small beginnings in people and continue to pray for loved ones to be saved.

Outward prayer: Lord, help me to see the expansion of Your kingdom in our homes, neighbourhoods, cities and nations.

1 Comment

Ruthlyn - January 17th, 2022 at 6:12am

Manuel thank you for the understanding of yeast as i read the word so many times it came clearer as i read your blogg.

Also i would like to taste the final version of your bread making with the yeast next time.

Bless you on your teachings.