Our Beliefs
So we hold to the traditional, orthodox Christian creeds (the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Chalcedonian Creed and the Athanasian Creed). Our thinking is influenced by Wesleyan/Pentecostal theology and a living relationship with God through Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.
All Nations is a member of the Evangelical Alliance and we identify with the EA basis of faith.
This does not mean that we can reduce truth to certain statements - Jesus Himself is the ultimate truth - but these creeds and statements are helpful in setting the frameworks and boundaries of our theology. As we think through the implications of these doctrinal statements, we hold to scripture interpreted in the light of...
The centrality of Christ in divine revelation
The inspiration and illumination of the Holy Spirit
The New Testament as interpreter of the Old Testament
The Bible's focus on devotion and discipleship
The importance of community in discerning and obeying truth
Thinking As A Christian Affects How We Live
We recognise that any statement is limited, so a Statement of Faith is in danger of defining some boundaries for excluding or including people, while the historic orthodox creeds of the Christian church, on the other hand, set out key things that are at the centre of our faith.
Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
This might seem very exclusive because it implies that no other philosophy, religion or belief will lead to God. There is no other way, but the way is open to anyone who wants to know God and accept the condition of submitting to Jesus as Lord (obeying Him).
The simple answer is, yes! Our faith is not like all other religions where people have to do things to earn favour with a god or with their concept of God. Our faith is about a relationship with God through Jesus on the basis of what He has done. The way to benefit from it is simply to call out to God, to say sorry for what we have done wrong and to turn away from it, to ask Him to forgive us and to fill us with His presence. It is always easier to do this with a Christian who can help you to pray and who can answer specific questions, so you can hear the gospel in a way that really fits your circumstances.
It is talking with God, like we talk with any friend, except that He is communicating in our spirit. Our minds and often our bodies are involved. We might kneel or walk around and probably talk out loud, what really matters is that we allow God to speak in our spirit. It helps to pray with someone who has been a Christian a while but the best way to practice praying is simply to start talking with God! Here is an example of a prayer anyone can pray if they want to know God: “Dear Lord, I know that I have done wrong, and I have failed to love fully. I need your forgiveness. I want to turn away from my sins. Thank you, Jesus, that you died and rose again so I could be forgiven. I want to invite you into my life. Please take control of my life and lead me. I want to trust you and follow you as my Lord and Saviour.”