Disciples making

Home Church

The primary environment to experience discipleship at All Nations is through Home Church. Our Home Churches meet in homes, workplaces, schools, and coffee shops all across the nation, creating small, intimate gatherings of disciples.

We come together to pray, worship, read scripture, share meals, and grow as a spiritual family. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we strive to love our neighbours as ourselves, living out our faith in community. We desire to see the Kingdom of God break out wherever we are.

“Therefore go make disciples…”

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Tools for disciple making

  • Training

    We’re passionate about equipping believers for disciple-making. Explore Storehouse for free resources, including a dedicated discipleship area.

  • DBS Bible Study

    Discovery Bible Study (DBS) with others is a really effective way of allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to us through the Word. This can be done in pairs or small groups.

  • Prayer Hub

    You can also join our Prayer Hub, praying for our communities, city and nations. We pray 24/7 in a number of teams in our online and in person.

  • "Home church for us has been so instrumental in supporting and encouraging others, having a sense of community and getting to know people living in our neighbourhood. We’ve been able to prayer walk in our area and have interactions with neighbours something which we feel has dwindled since the pandemic."

    - Harby D

  • "I have really enjoyed the more intimate setting of home church, and being able to spend time with other Christians who are in a similar phase of life and stage of their walk. We have been able to talk about our cares and concerns and pray about them together, in addition to discussing a variety of topics to better equip us as believers. I would encourage those of you undecided about joining a home church to take the plunge!"

    - Jeremy A

  • "Home church is a good environment to maintain community within the church and its been good to learn from and with each other as grow in the Word of God."

    - Panashe M

  • "Belonging to a Home Church brings restoration, it encourages us to grow in faith and read and explore Gods word together, and pray for each other, supporting one another, joining an Home Church has been a great blessing to me."

    - Dave T

  • "A Jesus-centered, prayerful community where friends grow into disciples, support each other through life's highs and lows, share meals, and laugh together. Home Church is a place to grow together, inspire one another to reach out to our community and love boldly"

    - Naomi M