Are we getting the message?

The most important themes in scripture may not always sound exciting, but how we respond will make all the difference to our lives now and in eternity!

In All Nations we have reached the end of our preaching series on “Red Letters” - the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3.  They are red because they are words of the risen Jesus.  But they are also red because they are urgent messages to the church today.  And of course they need to be “read” as well - there are blessings for those who read and those who hear and take to heart the messages of this book (Rev 1:3).

The seven letters contain a mix of encouragement and challenge, but what are the key messages?

  • Ephesus - love comes first: return to our first love
  • Smyrna - be faithful and fearless
  • Pergamum - be wholehearted
  • Thyatira - a challenge to purity
  • Sardis - wake up
  • Philadelphia - endure patiently and hold on
  • Laodicea - a challenge to wholehearted devotion and an invitation to intimate fellowship with him.

There are similar themes throughout.  Draw close to Jesus.  Endure patiently.  Be watchful in prayer.

These might not sound exciting!  In our culture everything needs to be new to grab attention.  

In fact, when Revelation was written it was the same in Rome.  It was known as a civilised and successful city, the most sophisticated and powerful in the world at the time.  Historians record the constant cry was “What’s new?!”

But Revelation was written to encourage churches that were often despised and persecuted by the Roman state.  It portrays history from an eternal perspective.  Many of the visions in fact poke fun at Rome and the world system, the demonic powers behind governments and institutions that might seem on the outside to be merely “human.”  Caesar might think he is in control but actually it is the despised, misunderstood Messiah who died a slave’s death who is on the throne in heaven.  He rules there until his enemies are made his footstool (Psalm 110, the Old Testament passage most often quoted in the New).

So the things that matter are constant.  Draw close to Jesus.  Endure patiently.  Be watchful in prayer.

In the All Nations family, in recent weeks, the preaching on the Red Letters and also some specific prophetic words, as some have been praying in the Prayer Hub, have warned and encouraged us that the serious health issues some are facing and other pressures are no accident.  There is spiritual opposition to what God is doing.  The answer to the opposition is not to get fearful nor over confident, but to pay attention to the things that really matter.

Draw close to Jesus.  Endure patiently.  Be watchful in prayer.

As we do this we can expect miracles of answered prayer and also more opposition!  We do not know the detail of how it will all work out in each case.  But we know how history will end.

Until then: Draw close to Jesus.  Endure patiently.  Be watchful in prayer.

- Chris Horton
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