A person of faith in a fearful business world

Stock-market crash, oil price down, recession, unemployment, bankruptcy… the list of scary words we are hearing in the media can go on and on. There are enough reasons to be worried, anxious or fearful as an employee, entrepreneur or business owner in these times.

Even yesterday I had a conference call with a Senior Vice President who said: I watched the news late at night and I got so fearful that I ordered alcohol online to be able to handle this coming season.

Fear and bad news seem to be everywhere. Companies are trying to navigate in these pandemic times. How should we act as faith filled business leaders in the fearful and anxious business world?

Somebody who led a whole nation through a big crisis was Joseph. He showed great courage and faith during these times. You may not have to lead a nation, but maybe you lead a team, department or whole company.

Joseph showed amazing characteristics in these times:

He faced the challenges: He faced the challenges of the drought with boldness and bravery. He didn’t ignore the challenge but faced it head-on. (Genesis 41, 46-50)
He made plans: Even if Joseph didn’t know how the drought would play out, he planned well before and during the difficult times. He strategised to get through this difficult time. (Genesis 41, 54-55)
He looked out for others: As the nation's leader he didn’t just make sure that his family were OK, but all the people who were under his leadership. As he faced the challenge and made plans, he was able to support even people from other nations. (Genesis 41, 57)

Whatever you face during this crisis, I encourage you to face these times, make plans as best as you can and ensure you look out for others.

In times like this, God is looking for brave and faith-filled business leaders. Spread hope and faith to your teams, departments and business units, to the employees he has entrusted you to lead through these stormy waters.

Hear the words from God which he said in Joshua 1,9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

- Manuel Heinke
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