It's who you know that counts

A few years ago I remember praying for an increased network of support. I prayed the prayer of Jabez, ‘Oh that You would bless me indeed and increase my territory/or enlarge my borders. That Your hand will be with me, that I may not do harm to others.’ I asked God to increase my territory because I didn’t know many people.

Since then, I have joined All Nations and come to be in fellowship with the body of Christ through Life Group and other friends I have made in church. I can see how this prayer has been answered.

It’s who you know that matters. Sometimes we think, its influential friends or people of expertise, popularity or prosperity. But it’s not. It’s Jesus.  Actually, as I write this I realise He has all of these and more.

For those of us old enough to remember, back in the Eighties, there was a popular TV show called This Is Your Life (I can hear the theme tune in my mind even now). The host, Michael Aspel, would surprise a celebrity in the midst of their work and present them with a big red book labelled, ‘This Is Your Life’ and then whisk them over to the studio where close friends and family would be waiting to pay tribute and celebrate their life. The Bible tells us that such a book has been written about our lives and will be opened one day for us to give account for our words and deeds.

What do we hope the book will say about us? What will the ending be? Will we be relieved or cringe in regret as we listen to each account?

If we know Jesus, desire to be like Jesus and make Him known to others then the righteous acts recorded in heaven will only increase.  Let us stand before Him, walk with Him and go after Him.

- Jesse Kaur
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