Choosing trust in 2022

Will you trust me?

I felt God ask me these words at the start of 2022. It’s easy to reply ‘yes’ with my words, but do I really trust God in my heart? Will I trust Him even when circumstances are difficult?

I wonder what your reply would be.

To trust means a ‘firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.’

Years ago, I did an abseil from the top of St Thomas’ hospital in London. The abseil was 160 foot down the building to raise money for charity. As an 18 year old, I had no fear and that kind of thing felt thrilling. I fully trusted the ropes to secure me and the people supervising me to make sure I completed the abseil safely.

Fast forward several years (11 to be precise!) and if I was given the opportunity again, I am not sure I would be as eager or trusting. As time passes and we experience the challenges of life, it can open our eyes to the fragility of human life. The innocence we might have once held can dissipate. As an 18 year old who hadn’t yet experienced some of the difficulties I have today, I trusted fully and lived fearlessly and confidently.  

Psalm 125 says, ‘Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, both now and forevermore.’

When we trust God, it doesn’t mean that life will be easy, but it means that we can remain confident in Him and live fearlessly despite the uncertainty of our circumstances. It means that we can remain steadfast and not be shaken in troubles.

In Isaiah 41:10 God says, ‘So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’

He is the God who tells us not to fear. He is the God who, strengthens us. And He is the God who, best of all, is with us.

In 2022, I want to be as trusting and carefree as I was when I was 18. I want to live life fearlessly, knowing that when I trust in God I cannot be shaken.

As we enter into a new year, we do not know what joys and challenges await us, but we do know the nature of our Heavenly Father and that He calls us to trust in Him. He promises that He will surround us both now and forevermore.

This year, will you choose to trust in God?

  • Susie Raybould
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