The Kingdom of Heaven is near

‘From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.’ - Matthew 4:17

In Matthew 4 Jesus is led into the wilderness and tempted by the devil. Previously in Matthew 3 Jesus had been baptised by John the Baptist and affirmed by God the Father. Jesus was loved by the Father not for what He had achieved, for His ministry had not yet begun, but because of who He was.

In Matthew 3:17 God says ‘This is my son whom I love, with him I am well pleased.’ We too are loved and accepted by the Father, and yet we too will know wilderness seasons in our lives. Maybe you are in one right now. The enemy questions our identity and tests us. Often between the promises of God and the fulfilment is a wilderness that we go through. This time is preparation. So, if you feel as though you have not seen your breakthrough yet, or that God has forgotten you, you can be sure that He has not.

In Matthew 4:17, Jesus began to preach repentance for the Kingdom of God is near. I want to declare to you that the Kingdom of Heaven has come near. We are about to see a Jesus movement on the earth once again. This will result in many becoming disciples of Christ, proclamation of the good news, healings, deliverance, signs and wonders!

We are contending for the fullness of all that God has promised. John the Baptist came to prepare the way for Jesus. In 2021 our theme was ‘Jesus People’ and this year it is ‘Kingdom Come.’ Let’s usher in the presence of the King by our lives of radical obedience, even through the trials and testing. Let’s be a people who know our God given identity; we are loved, called and chosen for purpose. It’s time to join together in prayer for an outbreak of the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Heaven is near.

- Pastor Esther Uppal
Inward prayer: Thank you Father God that you love me and accept me. Help me to receive your love and encounter you afresh.

Outward prayer: Father God, may your Kingdom breakout and may we see signs and wonders, in Jesus’ name.
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1 Comment

Tomi - January 12th, 2022 at 7:03am

Thank you Pst Esther!