Prayer and Fasting

This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”’ Matthew 6:9-10

Matthew 6 is really helpful in teaching us as disciples through the ages how to pray and how to fast. The prayer in Matthew 6 is one of the most well-known prayers in the Bible and is hugely significant in the Christian faith. It is known as ‘the Lord’s prayer’ but also by some as ‘the disciple’s prayer’ as it was something that Jesus taught to His disciples.

Growing up in an Anglican church, we used to pray this prayer every Sunday at church. I grew so used to saying it that I fear it may have lost some significance to me, but the older I got the more powerful I found it as I really allowed the words to sink into my heart.

Jesus teaches us that when we pray, we pray to our Heavenly Father. There is an intimacy and closeness that comes from addressing God as ‘Father.’ Relationally, it supposes that we are children, entering into a dialogue with One who desires to hear from us. ‘Hallowed be your name’ implies a reverence and a respect with which we come to our Father, as One who is to be trusted and regarded highly.

As we come to our Father and before we bring our petitions and requests, let us give Him the honour due His name. Let us recognise who He is and praise Him for His great name.

Secondly, in Matthew 6:16-18, Jesus teaches us about fasting. Fasting is not to be done to impress people or gain attention. When we fast (not if we fast), we do it before the Lord in the secret place.

Prayer and fasting are not to show others how holy we are, but to show our Father that we desire to be with Him, hear from Him and honour Him. It is a lifestyle and a discipline that pleases Him.

Let us live for the audience of One.

As we continue with our 21 days of prayer and fasting, may I encourage you to seek your Father in the secret place and pray and fast not for the approval of humans but for the delight of our Heavenly Father.

- Susie Raybould 

Inward prayer: Father God, hallowed be Your name. Thank you for the closeness and intimacy that you desire with me. Help me to know you as Father more deeply.

Outward prayer: May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in my city/town and the communities around me.

1 Comment

Tomi - January 13th, 2022 at 12:47pm

Thank you