Jesus, Our Firm Foundation

Luke 6:46-49

When I was at school there was a new block being built. I remember it seemed ages for the foundations to be dug, and it felt like hardly any work was happening at all. Yet, when the foundations were finally dug it felt like the rest of the building went up so quickly!

If we want to build our lives effectively it is vital we get our foundations right. This can take time but if we do it right, whatever we are building, our lives, ministry, marriage will have a solid foundation to build upon. Here Jesus is saying that the foundation we need to build our lives on is Him, the person, words, works and mission of Jesus.

What does this mean practically for us?

Firstly, know the person of Jesus. Who is Jesus? As we walk on our journey into knowing Him, it will take our whole lives! Yet there is no greater pursuit than knowing Jesus! Each time we discover something new, it opens doors into new aspects of His character. The cycle continues as we discover more and more.

Secondly, to know the works of Jesus. His greatest work was the work of the cross and resurrection. Timothy Keller writes “The Resurrection is a giant receipt stamped across history saying your debt has been paid for and you don't have to pay it ever again”. Again, discovering the works of Jesus takes a lifetime to discover.

Thirdly, know the words of Jesus.
Through His Words He opens eyes to a new way of living
Through His Words He opens eyes to see the Kingdom of God
Through His Words He opens eyes to a life of love and compassion
Through His Words He opens eyes and reveals who the Father is
Through His Words He fulfilled Scripture
Through His Words He forgave sin
Through His Words He taught us to pray

How well do you know the words of Jesus, that bring life and healing?

Finally, knowing the mission of Jesus. What He came to achieve, encapsulated in Luke 4:16-21 then our understanding can grow to the place and understanding that Jesus mission continues in us and through us. The great commission has become the great omission for us. Yet building our lives upon the foundation of Jesus means to walk in obedience to the King in every aspect including the command to making disciples. Our greatest mission in life is to know Him. Our greatest step of obedience in life is to make Him known.

As we pause and think about these things why not pray Ephesians 1:17-18 over ourselves. Praying our eyes would be opened to know the person, works, words, and mission of Jesus so that we may build our lives on the foundation of Jesus.

- Josh Raybould 

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