The Cost of Following Jesus

‘And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple’. - Luke 14:27 

This is very challenging because this is a reminder of the life we are called to live as believers. If we claim to be people who follow Jesus, we must give God our everything. In verse 33 Jesus said ‘In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples’. This means that it requires us to live our lives open to him, being surrendered to him and allowing him to work in us.

Carrying our cross also means being willing to be obedient to God no matter what it will cost us, whatever sacrifice we may have to make, it has to be all about glorifying Him and seeking to please Him; this is truly the way of the kingdom.

Being a disciple doesn’t mean just committing our lives to Jesus just once; it is an everyday commitment to Jesus, we bring every part of our lives. It also means we constantly journey with God, every day we are walking with Him, growing closer to Him through prayer and reading the word.

To follow Christ truly, we need to consider the cost (verse 28). We need to think about what it truly means to be a follower of Jesus. It is easy to talk about what it truly means to follow Jesus, but the challenge is willingness to surrender everything, to bring our whole lives before Him. This is a daily journey with the Lord.  This means that we do not do this alone but as we are open to Him, He helps us and leads us.  This is something that as believers we all know, but it is still very challenging, thinking about living our lives submitted to God.

Lord, help me to live a life that is constantly open to you, let your kingdom come and will be done in my life, help me to live a surrendered life to you, in Jesus’s name. Amen.

- Shekinah Tagoe

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