The Parable of the Lost Coin

Luke 15:8-10

The Parable of the Lost Coin is told in a set of three to emphasise a point. All three examples contain numbers which have significant meaning. The Parable of the Lost Sheep- one in ninety-nine, The Parable of the Lost Son- one in two and of course this parable- one in ten. No matter how large or small the number- the ‘one’ matters, amongst many or few.  Each parable is designed to be relatable to the audience- The Lost Sheep for the young shepherds, The Lost Son, to capture the hearts of the fathers and this one; this one is for the ladies.

Jesus identifies with everyone in the audience- being human, He knows every situation we might find ourselves in, every emotion, especially the shame and anxiety of losing something dear and precious. It would have been embarrassing for a woman to admit that she had lost something so important. He recognises what we cherish.

Coins were a part of a woman’s bridal head dress/décor. It was precious in both value and sentiment. The ten coins were the equivalent to a wedding ring. The woman who loses the coin lights a lamp; she represents Jesus as the Light of the World who in the darkness uncovers what is lost. She is determined and diligent, she does not wait until morning, there is a sense of urgency, this is important- WE are important. Next, she gets a broom, there’s no way she is going to miss it. In the same way we read, “For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” (2Chron 16:9). Our diligent God sent His on to save the lost, to seek and save.

Her joy is not for herself; it must be shared, it cannot be contained. This is how it is with the angels, Jesus tells us in The Lost Sheep and this is how it will be with us when we discover Jesus and the Good News- our joy shall spill over and we will need to share. Jesus has a way of reversing regular patterns of thought, the Pharisees thought they were the righteous, they identified with ninety-nine sheep but Jesus made the Lost sheep, the sinner, the one God finds most joy in.

In The Lion King song, ‘Can You Feel the Love Tonight?’ it says, ‘It’s enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best.’ What is enough? Love. The love of the Father that Jesus shows us through these three parables- the love is enough to make anyone, rich, poor, male, female, slave or free believe the very best for themselves- Jesus is our hope and the relentless search of the Holy Spirit to seek the lost reminds us of our value and His love- Hallelujah!

Father, thank you for your love. Thank you Jesus that you came to seek us and rescue us. We pray Holy Spirit would you lead us to seek and bring the lost to you. Amen.

- Jesse Kaur
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