Go and Do Likewise

Who do you listen to in your life for advice? Is it your parents? Your partner or your friends? Is it Google or YouTube? 

The people and places we look to for advice inform our decisions and the choices that we make. For example, when I was a child my parents told me that eating carrots would make me see in the dark, so I used to think it was very important to eat plenty of carrots! Another recent example is when my husband and I bought a new car. We researched the best prices and cars and phoned my father-in-law for advice because he is a mechanic so we valued what he had to say.  

In Luke 10:25-37, an expert in the law comes to Jesus asking for advice. His motivation is to test Jesus, but the answer that Jesus gives is profound and one which still informs our decisions and choices today as Kingdom People who want to see the Kingdom Advance.

From this passage, there are 4 simple things that stand out to me:

  1. Love God with everything. (Luke 10:27) Put Him first in every area of your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you grow in your love and abandonment to Jesus.  
  2. Love your neighbour. (Luke 10: 27) Love people and love them well. Love those who you know and those who you don’t know.  
  3. Be kind. (Luke 10: 33-34) The Samaritan was not expected to stop and help this man, but he did. He showed him unprecedented kindness. Be a person who shows others kindness, whether it is expected or not.
  4. Be generous. (Luke 10:35-36) Surprise people with your generosity. Offer what you have. Recently, I went for coffee with a neighbour and I offered to pay for hers. She seemed a bit taken aback but I wanted to offer generosity, not because I have loads of money but because I wanted that to be a Kingdom witness and to bless her.  

These 4 simple pieces of advice illustrate the way that Jesus wants us to live, and I believe that if we live like this we will see his Kingdom Advance. 

Jesus finishes the passage by saying, ‘go and do likewise.’ In other words, take heed of these things. This is a charge to us today too. Today, in your family, in your work, in your neighbourhood, go and do likewise. 

Inward prayer: Father God, help me to put youtr67 first and love you with everything.  
Outward prayer: Father God, thank you for your kindness and generosity. Help me to live the way you want me to so that your Kingdom will advance.

- Susie Raybould

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