Living Water

Have you ever been on an all-inclusive holiday, and the first time you walked into the restaurant, you were overwhelmed by the food choices you have? From starters to multiple options for the main course, don’t forget the big variation of deserts too. For the first meal you eat as much as you can and want as it is all free and you can do so. After all the food eaten you might think: “Wow I don’t need to eat for the rest of the week as I am soooooo full.  

But what happened a few hours later? You become hungry again and instead of not eating the rest of the week, you are back at the snack bar to get yourself a top-up snack. Any earthly food and drinks are temporary.  

Or there are currently 2,668 billionaires living on the earth right now. What is fascinating that even if they are in the top 0.000000001% of people, they are still striving for more money, more power and more influence, but we all know we can’t take any wealth with us when we die. Money is temporary.  

I could continue with more examples of temporary things: Businesses are temporary, bodies are temporary, and possessions are temporary. In short, anything we see, touch, smell or taste is temporary.  

Jesus told the women in John 4 in verse 10: “If you only knew the gift God has for you and whom you are speaking to, you would ask me and I would give you living water.” And later in verse 14: “But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again.”  

Jesus challenges the woman to shift her focus from temporary earthly wishes, desires and needs to eternal focuses, lasting more than a few moments, days or years. He wants her to understand that with earthly water we will never be thirsty again.  

Earthly things are temporary solutions and materials things can never take the place of a relationship. Our ultimate purpose as created beings is to know, serve and worship our Creator. He is the one who gives us eternal water to drink.

- Manuel Heinke

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