The Power of the Holy Spirit

As we co-operate with the Spirit, we can be part of the Kingdom advancing in every area of society around us. 
We see the Holy Spirit at work through Peter and John in advancing the Kingdom, healing the beggar.  How did they do it and how did they know God wanted to heal him?  They copied Jesus their teacher and did the same as Him.   
Sometimes we think of Jesus, who was wholly God and wholly human, as being completely different from us and miss the key point of the Incarnation that we celebrate at Christmas. Paul says in Phil 2:7 that He made Himself nothing by taking on the form of a servant.  One reason for doing so was to be our example in godly character.  Another was to be our example in supernatural living.  Both require the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
So, we can do what Jesus did! 
Many times, in the gospels we read of Jesus doing things in the power of the Spirit or by/through the Spirit.  Even after His resurrection, in Acts 1:2 Luke records that Jesus gave commands to the apostles “through the Holy Spirit.”  If Jesus, God in human form depended on the Holy Spirit then we also depend on the Spirit.  So, if Jesus could do miracles, we can! 
It is our business of Christians to “do and teach” (Acts 1:1) not just teach.  If healing is part of the gospel, we sell people short if we do not listen carefully to the Spirit and obey His prompts to reach out, lay on hands and declare healing in Jesus’ name.   
But note …. They were together, working as a team.  Peter did the speaking, but he did not say “Look at me” but rather “Look at us.”   
If we are in Christ, we are part of the Body of Christ, and it is the whole Body that has His authority.  It is not just a few anointed individuals, however much we appreciate and honour those individuals who take a lead in ministering.   
Revival will come not from a few anointed leaders but through congregations of believers who know who they are in Christ and reach out to people in love and relying on the power of the Spirit.
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