PRAYER HUB- 2 Hours Well Spent

Two hours to pray in the Prayer Hub, I can promise you, is never a waste of time.

I spend the first hour trying to be still; this is not easy! Often my own stresses and strains come to mind but it’s a good time to get things off my chest with God, to lift up loved ones in prayer and to say what is on my own mind. I find that only then am I in the right place, mentally to pray for others. I am reminded of a scene in the film, Bruce Almighty, where Morgan Freeman (who plays the part of God) asks Bruce to pray. Bruce prays for world peace but (God) says, ‘What do you really care about?’ The first hour in the Prayer Hub, gives me time to cast my own cares on God and THEN pray for wider issues.

I love the second hour- it feels powerful. It’s so much more than those blanket type prayers that we often pray, that can sometimes feel a bit vague and also overwhelming when we think about the numerous nations and their specific challenges.

The Prayer Points sent out each week create a spiritual ripple effect:

1) Pray that we personally grow in God.
2) Pray for our local community.
3) Pray for our nation and then.
4) Pray for the world, focusing on one nation each week.

This helps me to understand that everything happens one step at a time and allows me to devote my attention fully to one group of people. I also learn a lot about what those countries are struggling with.

Praying alongside others helps me to get to know my church family more and to value each part of the body of Christ. I learn from others the sacrifice of praise. As I encourage and bless others, I am reminded myself, of God’s attributes. Reading other people’s prayers develops my own prayer life. Often I have thought- wow, I need to pray like that! I have learnt much from more experienced prayer warriors.

Finally, I have gained confidence to pray aloud. I have not grown up in a Christian household and only started praying aloud when I joined a life group at All Nations six years ago. I still prefer to pray in my mind but I can now say that I am able to pray aloud for and with others because of what I have learnt in the in-person and virtual prayer hub.

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.’ Ephesians 1:17-19.

I am able to put myself in a position each week where I can ask, as Paul does, for God to increase my knowledge of Him and I always feel really strong, optimistic and hopeful after my prayer time- I feel verse 19 coming true for me.

I would encourage you to prayerfully consider joining the Prayer Hub- it is time well spent.

Join here:

- Jesse Kaur
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