Keep on keeping on.

As we come to the end of this time of prayer and fasting, I pray and believe it has been a blessing to your soul and that your flesh has been subdued and you soul enlarged. Fasting strengthens our faith in Jesus and builds us up to face the trials and temptations that the enemy throws at us.

As we read these last two chapters of Acts, we see the account of the end of Paul’s life and ministry and how God was still at work through him, but also how the enemy was still fighting and attacking him. We read about the shipwreck and how the enemy was looking to take Paul out, but we see the victory God gave to Paul and those with him. We also see the account of Paul on the island of Malta and how God used Paul there through the miracle of the serpent not being able to take him down, and then how he could minister to the people on the island.

I am really encouraged to see that Paul did not relent in any way as he was coming to the end of his life and his ministry, and we shouldn’t relent as well. We need to keep on keeping on, not losing sight of what we have been called into and how much is at stake if we shrink back.  

The last 2 verses of the book of Acts read:
For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!”
Acts 28:30-31

Paul was just as active at the end of his life and ministry as he was at the beginning. It reads that “he proclaimed the Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ”.

I pray that everyone of us would proclaim the Kingdom of God and proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and have no other message. May our lives be vibrant in every season of life and that there not be seasons where we are not as passionate about proclaiming the Kingdom of God.

The Bible also says he proclaimed it with boldness and without hindrance. He didn’t let anything get in the way of him proclaiming that message. He didn’t let the chains, the house arrest, his age, or anything else prevent him from proclaiming the truth of the gospel.

May we today not relent in proclaiming the truth of God’s word. May we not shrink back from declaring the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ as Lord. May we be bold in this society and not afraid of the consequences that could possibly arise for speaking the truth.

I pray that as we carry on as believers we would not relent and hold back but we would be advancing the Kingdom of God through boldly declaring the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ.

- Henry Ita

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