In the beginning God

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’ Genesis 1:1

The first sentence of the Bible sets the absolute context and alignment for all of creation that follows… In the beginning God. Before everything else and first amongst all things is the living person of God. God must have first place. Creation not only originates from him and for him but he also sustains all things by the power of His Word (Colossians 1:16-17). Humans originate from him and are created ultimately for his glory and will flourish in life when they have him as their highest and most valuable relationship.

At the beginning of a new year gifted to us by our Heavenly Father, it’s wisdom to pay attention to this first verse of the Bible. If we are to find true alignment and see things come right side up in our personal world, first and foremost it has to be ‘In the beginning God.’ He must have the first place. Christianity is not an addition to an already well-balanced life or simply a way of adding spiritual enrichment.

Instead, it should be a life rooted in and drawing it’s meaning, strength and purpose from a relationship with the Father of all creation. Saying that God must be first is more than a thought, it looks like something practically in a person’s life. Here is a short list to ponder what would it look like for God to be first in these areas. What does it mean for you to put God first in your:

First in our thoughts - What normally takes up your thinking time. What are the predominant thoughts in your mind day by day? How can you realign that?

First in our devotion - Can your friends and family clearly see your devotion to the Lord day by day?

First in our time - All time is a gift and is valuable. How do you spend your time?

First relationship - All relationships need communication and interaction for intimacy and strength.

First with our finance - How we spend our money demonstrates where we place value.

Let me conclude by reminding us that this is all deeply relational. It is not to be reduced to a formula or even a set of principles. Habits are good and disciplines can be very helpful, but they must be there to empower one’s relationship with the Lord. When Jesus was asked what the most important command was his reply was simple and yet relational!

Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' Matthew 22:37

May 2024 be your year of putting God first, loving him most. May he be at the beginning of your year.

- Pastor Steve Uppal


Jason - January 7th, 2024 at 4:10am

Hi there. Should not the date on this post be 7th January rather than 6th?

Syama - January 7th, 2024 at 11:56am

Praise be to God. Thank you Steve for the wonderful message.

I have decided to start my day with the Lords word.

Successfully finishing off 1st day of my fasting and prayer