Divine Purpose

Our theme for 2024 is kingdom movement. Our God is on the move and always working out His
plans and purposes. These blogs are designed to take us on a journey through the Bible and to
witness God's kingdom activities throughout history.

Today we are looking at Genesis chapter 2 which concludes God’s creation; “Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.” (Genesis 2:1 NIV). It focuses on the creation of the first man, Adam, who was put to work in the garden of Eden. Adam could enjoy the perfect environment of the garden and eat the fruit of all the trees. But he was forbidden to eat from the tree of good and evil. We read how God formed Eve, a helper suitable for the man. Together they enjoy life and intimacy with God. Genesis 2 is our last glimpse of God’s perfect world before sin enters through human disobedience.

We can learn a lot from this passage in Genesis 2. We were formed by God for purpose.

Many people today may ask the question: 'What is my purpose in life?’ Or ‘what was I made for?’ I believe returning to the story of creation can help us to discover that today. We were created for work and relationship, both with God and with people. It is so simple. These things ultimately lead to the same goal of glorifying God. This is our purpose in life. As stated in the Westminster Catechism, the primary purpose of life is, ‘to worship God and enjoy him forever.’ Isaiah 43:6-7 also reveals that we were created to glorify God.

Firstly, we can bring glory to God through living out our purpose to work. God still chooses to
move through people, through our words and actions and God has given us all work to do. We
see in Genesis 2 how God forms and equips men and women for various tasks. God immediately put Adam to work looking after the garden and naming the wild animals and birds in the sky.

Similarly, today we are called to be stewards of this earth and have authority through our words
which have creative power. God gives us all purpose and has a plan for us to fulfil. This may look different for different people but the main point is that through whatever work we may do we can do it to the glory of God.

Secondly, we can bring God glory through living out Kingdom relationship. Genesis 2 reveals
God's love for us and his desire to be involved in our lives. The original design in God's perfect
world is that man and God would walk in close relationship. God wants to have this relationship
with us; He wants to talk and walk with you throughout each moment of the day. It is also clear
that God created us for human relationship; Eve is given to Adam in marriage by the Lord. You
were created for intimacy with God and with other humans. What does this look like in your life?

How much time do you spend with God? In prayer? In the Word? Perhaps in response to this
passage you need to take some time to sit alone with God and ask him to reveal His love for you.

Ask Him to speak to you and listen. And as God fills you with His love extend that love to your
spouse, your family and friends.

Be encouraged today that God has created you for divine purpose. God has tasks for you to do
and desires close relationship with you and for you. What you may have seen as mundane things are all opportunities to glorify God.

- Pastor Esther Uppal


Ifeanyi Dim - January 8th, 2024 at 2:38am

Powerful lessons today. The kids learnt a lot as did I as well. Our prayer is that we always seek to bring God glory through our work and relationships. Very refreshing message today. More Grace to you, Pastor Esther!!!

Syama - January 8th, 2024 at 2:47pm

Amen… a very blessed message

Thank you Pastor Esther.

This message has helped me a lot.

Be blessed.