
There are themes that we see in the whole Bible, threads and storylines that run through the whole 66 books of the Bible. We see how the Kingdom moves through all of these themes, and one of those themes is redemption.

We see from Genesis how God pursued mankind, through saving one family from a flood, setting apart one bloodline to rescue the world, taking that bloodline out of slavery and redeeming them through the law which was handed to them.

All this points to something greater, a moment in history when God Himself will come and redeem His people. Indeed, Abraham prophesied that on the mountain of the Lord it will be provided (Gen 22:14). In fact, we see that redemption happened on the same mountain of the Lord.

A ram was found on that mountain to take the place of Isaac. David built an altar on the same mountain to stop a plague from destroying the Israelite people. Solomon built the temple on the same mountain.

Here in Isaiah 53 we read of the suffering servant, the one who took up our pain, bore our suffering, was pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities, took the punishment for our sin (Isaiah 53:4-5). This suffering servant would redeem the people of God, would redeem us from our sin. This passage in Isaiah looked forward to the day God would become a man and die for us in our place. Our Jesus! Our Saviour! He is the suffering servant.

The place where He died to redeem us? The same mountain where the ram was found for Isaac, the same mountain the plague was stopped, the same mountain where Solomon built the temple and offered sacrifices for the people of God to redeem the people of God. It was the same mountain Jesus died for us to save us. The theme of redemption continues even to this day when still people are being redeemed.

One of the themes of Kingdom Movement is redemption.

- Josh Raybould

1 Comment

Sue Dawkes - January 13th, 2024 at 4:03am

Great message Esther