God, people, takeaway, share

I wanted to start this blog with an interesting or funny story to capture your attention, but instead I felt I needed to get right into the Scripture passage and let God do the talking through that! So, after that witty introduction, here goes...

A DBS (Discovery Bible Study) is a simple yet powerful way of reading the Bible. As I read this passage, I asked myself the following 4 DBS questions and here are my reflections on those questions. I pray that they would speak to you too.

  1. What does the passage say about God? 
  2. What does it say about people? 
  3. What will I takeaway? 
  4. Who will I share this with?

1) God.

  • God chooses John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus- this is John’s God-given purpose. (Luke 3:2).
  • God sees the bigger picture and has ordained a salvation plan from the beginning of time (Luke 3:23-38). All the pieces fit together like a jigsaw throughout human history!
  • God, in the person of Jesus, comes to earth to live with and minister to His people (Luke 3:21-23).

2) People.

  • People are hungry and expectant for something ‘more’ in this life- they want a Saviour (Luke 3:15).
  • People recognise that being ready in their hearts and minds for Jesus (Luke 3:3,16) means repentance, forgiveness and baptism.
  • It means living with integrity and generosity (Luke 3:11-14).

3) Takeaway. 

  • Even now, God calls us as followers of Christ, to prepare the way for Him in our lives.
  • God gives us callings and purpose in our lives, just like He gave to John.
  • We need to demonstrate God’s love and power through how we live.

4) Who will you share this with?

  • I will share this with my husband, Dad and brother.
  • Who will you share this with?
Finally, may I encourage you with 2 things.

1) Read this passage and use these 4 simple DBS questions for yourself.

2) Think about how God might be calling you today to prepare the way for Jesus in your life. Is it through your generosity, love and kindness towards others? Is it by telling someone else about Jesus?

I pray that, just as John the Baptist did, we might proclaim Jesus and live lives that point others towards Him.

If you are wondering today what your ‘calling’ in life is, may I encourage you that it is to love God and then to love others (Mark 12:30-31), preparing the way for Jesus’ Kingdom Movement in your life.

- Susie Raybould 

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