The Great Commission

We are instructed in this Scripture to fulfil the great commission, to go and make disciples, baptising and teaching the way of the Lord.

Jesus knew at times this command could be a challenging and daunting task, with feelings of inadequacy as well as fear of what to say.

When we try and do anything in our own strength, this is limited by our capabilities, our own knowledge and overshadowed by our own experiences and insecurities. The end result of this is normally frustration, discouragement and many times not sustainable

For us to effectively fulfil this great commission our dependency and trust has to be fully on God (Proverbs 3: 5-6) . For when we walk and are led by the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:14) there is a security in knowing that God is in control and we are not alone, which gives us the confidence to walk boldly in the call He has given us.

Jesus has taken ownership of the mission we have to complete. Jesus beautifully sandwiched this command to help us, starting by stating the fact that ‘ALL authority belongs to Him’ and ending with ‘He will be with us ALWAYS’- what comfort and encouragement from the Lord!

The word authority means ‘the power or right to give orders, make decisions’ and this is what Jesus takes ownership of. The control is in the Lord's hands, all we need to do is obey, and be the messenger. We need not operate in our strength or be afraid, but depend on our Heavenly Father, who is our source of strength (Psalm 27:1).

We can rest assured that Jesus has all authority, so we need not worry, as we walk in boldness and confidence in Christ by obeying this command in making disciples, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching the ways of the Lord.

May God give us a greater understanding of His Word, what He has called us to do, snd to walk in the fullness of Christ when we make disciples, in Jesus' name.

- Marcia Mumo
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