Jesus loves the church - but what do we mean by church?

Jesus loves the church and yet so many people do not seem to care about it. Some people I speak with see church as just a money-making or power-grabbing institution that even abuses people. Some have left churches after being hurt by others or realising/feeling that they didn't quite fit in the context - what a tragedy!  And some who are active in church see it more as a club to join or an agency to provide help and services.

Maybe many people have a wrong picture of church.

So I want to ask the question, what do we mean by church?  
What did Jesus mean by church?

He only used the word twice recorded in the Gospels. First in Matthew 16 after Peter's revelation declaration, “You're the Christ!” Jesus responds to the effect, “You've got it. Now, on the basis of you receiving that revelation, I can start building church. And the church that I'm building will overcome the kingdom of darkness. The gates of hell are going to be kicked down by the church.” What a tremendous vision!

The second time he uses it is in Matthew 18 where he actually gives us a definition. They've been talking about how we sort out relationship issues. There are plenty of those in churches!  Jesus says talk to the person direct, try and win your brother or sister over. If that fails, take a friend who can help you listen to one another well. And if all else fails, take it to the church. What did he mean?

He was talking to a ‘rag bag’ bunch of people whose only connection with each other was that they were connected Jesus. So we are not talking about an institution, or an organisation. Church is people joined by the Holy Spirit. Then Jesus says something really interesting.  He is present “wherever two or three are being gathered into my name” (that doesn't sound very good in English, but it's a very literal translation of how it comes out in in the Greek).

It's the Holy Spirit doing the gathering and connecting us with Jesus. We are gathered “into” His name, not just in but into. There's a dynamic movement here. It isn't once and for all. It's a process - as we follow Jesus as we become more like Him and find that we are joined more closely with those that He's planted us with.

So church might look like a group of four or five people, gathering for a meal. Or It might look like a larger group. It might have some structures. But it is the presence of the living God that defines church, not what it looks like, not its structure, not the organisation, not the charity, not anything external. It's only genuinely church if people are being gathered together into Jesus' name and his presence is there with us.

Can we really keep church simple?      

- Chris Horton
Chris’ book ‘Belong’ - published in May 2024 - explores these themes and more.  
Available from All Nations or Amazon (ISBN 1739098668 or 978-1739098667)
Web link: Belong: Living in God's Family: Horton, Chris: 9781739098667: Books  
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