Pure Hearts

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

Have you ever done something wrong, and then had to own up to it? How did it feel?

I remember getting into trouble at school when I was 16. I was usually a ‘good child’ and prided myself on never even getting a detention! However, one fateful school trip, I made a stupid decision and got caught out by my teachers. They questioned me about it and I lied, which made the situation even worse! I remember phoning my Mum and truthfully explaining the situation to her, because I knew that no matter what I had done, she knew me and would still love me. The next day, I went to my teachers to own up and take responsibility for my actions. The unconditional love of my Mum empowered me to be truthful and face the consequences.

David writes Psalm 51 to express his sorrow at committing adultery with Bathsheba. He knows that he has done wrong. He has broken one of God’s commandments (Exodus 20:14).

He knew that he had displeased God, but he also knew the character of the God that he was approaching:

  • He is merciful. 

  • He is unfailing in love.

  • He is compassionate.

  • He can blot out our transgressions (the things we do wrong).

  • He can wash away our iniquities (sins) and cleanse us.  

David approached God with his sin, asking for his mercy, renewal and deliverance (verse 1, 10 and 14). David was indeed restored.

God’s unconditional, unfailing love can empower us to confess our sin today.

God’s unconditional love means that there is hope for us all! Whatever our past, whatever our present and whatever we may do in the future, we can come to our merciful God and he can cleanse our hearts and reset our lives.

Jesus has made a way, through the cross, for us to approach God boldly (Hebrews 4:16).
But, in order for this to happen, we must allow the Holy Spirit to convict us and not allow hidden sin in our lives to restrict us.

God wants us to live pure, holy lives with his help. Even when we mess up, there is grace and forgiveness. He can restore to us the joy of our salvation (verse 12). He can create in us a pure heart.

Praise God for his unfailing love! Praise God for his mercy! Praise God that he creates in us pure hearts once again!

Father God, I am sorry for when I have messed up. Sorry for not honouring you. Please create in me a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me. In Jesus name. Amen.”

- Susie Raybould


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Holy Before God