We need God

Matthew 9:35-38

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.  When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

What does it mean, that God is ‘Lord of the harvest?’ God is in control of it all. He’s the God of seasons, of time; He sees if soil is good and receptive to the seed, if a heart is ripe to accept the Word. Only God can change a heart of stone into a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26).

However, as workers in the field, we are called to follow His instructions, to sow the seed, water and take care of the crop. In real terms this will look like sharing the Good News in a number of ways-

- speaking it into someone’s life (maybe going for walks with someone or visiting them regularly)

- writing, singing, drawing about Jesus, so others may know Him better (as I am now)

- serving others in practical ways that demonstrate the God’s love (hospitality, opening our homes to others)

-and of course praying into their lives that God will prepare them. This ought to come before anything else.

 The methods we use will not look the same for everyone. Much depends on how God has hardwired and gifted us. I believe our gifts and talents lend themselves to how we best share with others. Regardless of how, the work remains the same for us all; to share with others. The Woman at the Well did (John 4:1-42), she felt compelled to run into town and tell anyone who would listen. So did the lepers and others who experienced Jesus for themselves. In the same way, our love of God should then spill over into our love for our neighbour and compel us to want for them what we ourselves have received.

Experience has taught me that its important to invest in people- time and friendship. Genuinely caring for others earns us a better response when we do share with them. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you rather than planning it yourself- God’s way is better than ours. Earnestly pray for opportunities to serve because God answers that kind of prayer and the result is success. I found this out when I prayed that I would apply what I had learnt at the All Nations Leadership College; the next day I taught a lesson on salvation and redemption. Everyone listened, understood and accepted it quietly; I was able to teach confidently whereas a few weeks before, I had taught the very same thing in another school lacking confidence and clarity- I had not prayed into it first and I don’t feel it had any real impact. In order to teach about God, we need God’s help, to reach the ‘harassed and helpless,’ we need God, to have compassion on others, we need God.

-         Jesse Kaur


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