We are so excited that you have decided to follow Jesus. It is the best decision you will ever make! We would love to pray with you and talk you through your next steps so please join us at church on Sunday at 10.30am.
Below are a few things that might help you in your next steps.
Lord Jesus Christ, I admit that I have sinned. I thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross for me. I ask you to forgive me from my sin and I choose to make you king of my life. Make me a new creation and may I encounter your Ressurection life, in Jesus name amen!
God's Perfect Plan
God created a perfect world, with no pain or sickness and has a perfect plan for our lives.
The Problem of Sin
We chose to turn away from God’s perfect plan, which the Bible calls sin. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23
The Pain of Brokenness
Sin leads to brokenness, which we become trapped in. People try to escape through money, relationships, entertainment, or even religion, but these only snap us back to brokenness.
The Hope of the Cross
God made a way by sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. He took our punishment and rose again, so that we can have life. Through the cross, Jesus provides the escape from our brokenness.
New Life in Christ
Anyone who prays, asks Jesus for forgiveness (for their sins), and chooses to make Him King of their life can become a new creation in Christ and encounter God’s love.
Sharing His Love
God sends us back into the (world) brokenness to tell others that they too can encounter God’s love.
Closeness with God is important; it means spending time in His presence. A simple way to do this is by reading the Bible, which reveals God’s story, who He is, and our identity in Christ. Start with the Gospel of Matthew and discover the story of Jesus.
Communication is also a key part of being a follower of Jesus. We communicate with God through prayer. Jesus teaches us to pray in Matthew 6:9-15. Use the words of Jesus as your own and pray today.
Being a part of community is vital and is a place where we can
encourage one another and keep spurring each other on.
Jesus gave us a great commission, to tell others that they too
can encounter God’s love. Who can you tell about the life changing encounter you just have?