Consecrate yourselves

Joshua 3:5: "Joshua told the people, 'Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.'"

This verse is a powerful directive from Joshua to the Israelites, urging them to prepare spiritually for the miraculous events God is about to perform. It gives us two very important points: the necessity of consecration and the anticipation of divine wonders.

Consecrate Yourselves

The command to "consecrate yourselves" is essential to the Israelites' preparation for witnessing God's miraculous acts. To consecrate means to set apart, to make holy, and to dedicate oneself to God. This act of consecration involves a deliberate, intentional decision. It is not a casual or superficial act but a profound commitment to purify oneself and draw closer to God.

The Power of Consecration

Consecration holds transformative power. It is a process of sanctification where individuals rid themselves of impurities and distractions that hinder their relationship with God. This purification process can include fasting, prayer, and repentance, symbolising a return to spiritual purity and devotion. By consecrating themselves, the Israelites were preparing their hearts and minds to be fully receptive to God's presence and power.

For us today, consecration can be seen as dedicating oneself to a period of spiritual renewal and reflection. It is not only about creating space in one's life for God but realising our lives are wholly His.  Therefore, eliminating anything that might obstruct or diminish one's spiritual growth. This act of setting oneself apart can lead to profound personal transformation and a deeper connection with the Lord.

God is About to Do Amazing Things

The second part of Joshua 3:5 is the promise that "tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you." This statement is a declaration of divine intervention and miraculous occurrences. It signifies that God is about to fulfil His promises and manifest His power in a way that will astonish the people.

Living with the Promise of Revival

Living with the expectation of God's amazing works requires faith and readiness. The Israelites were on the verge of entering the Promised Land, a fulfilment of God's promise to their ancestors. This anticipation of revival and renewal is a powerful motivator. It encourages believers to remain steadfast in their faith, knowing that God's timing is perfect and that He will fulfil His promises.

For us today, living with the promise of revival means holding onto the hope that God will bring renewal and restoration as He has promised. It is about trusting that God is always at work, even when circumstances seem challenging. This hopeful expectation fosters resilience and perseverance in the face of difficulties.

Promises Becoming Fulfilment

The fulfilment of God's promises is a central theme in the Bible. Joshua's assurance to the Israelites that God would do amazing things among them was a reminder of God's faithfulness. The crossing of the Jordan River, which followed this declaration, was a tangible demonstration of God's power and faithfulness.

For modern believers, witnessing promises becoming fulfilment can be a source of immense encouragement. It reminds us that God's word is reliable and that His plans for us are good. This realisation can inspire a deeper faith and a stronger commitment to living in accordance with God's will.


Joshua 3:5 calls for a dual response: consecration and anticipation. By consecrating themselves, the Israelites prepared their hearts to witness and participate in God's miraculous acts. The promise that God would do amazing things among them reinforced their faith and expectation of divine intervention. This verse serves as a reminder of the importance of spiritual preparation and the assurance of God's faithful promises.  It encourages to a life of intentional dedication to God and a hopeful expectancy of His wondrous works in our lives.

- Pastor Steve Uppal

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