Posts with the category “prayer-and-fasting-sept-2024”

September 27th, 2024
This wonderful vision of victory encourages us to keep praying, believing, loving and serving until He comes in glory....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Walking in Love
September 26th, 2024
The love that's talked about in 1 John 4 not only demonstrates God's presence in our lives, it serves as evidence to the rest of the world that love is how the world is meant to see God....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Walking in Community
September 25th, 2024
We need each other, we were not created to do Kingdom alone. Support and prayer from each other is healthy for our progress....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Most Beautiful One
September 24th, 2024
We worship because innate in everyone is a longing to worship our Heavenly Father, the most beautiful one....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Then Sings my Soul
September 23rd, 2024
When we give thanks and praise we take the attention off ourselves and the world and fix our thoughts on Him, putting everything else aside....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
September 22nd, 2024
We are all invited to meet the Father in the secret place - the only entry requirement is choosing to make time....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
September 21st, 2024
To turn the battle means living victoriously as Christians and playing our part in seeing the Kingdom come....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Sword of the Spirit
September 20th, 2024
Read it prayerfully. Meditate on it. Pray through it. Believe it. Memorize it. Declare it. Apply it. And of course, share it with others...  Read More
by Susie Raybould
The Helmet of Salvation
September 19th, 2024
Salvation, like a helmet, must be worn tightly on our heads symbolizing the necessity of protecting our minds...  Read More
by Susie Raybould
The shield of faith
September 18th, 2024
If you have some measure of faith today, ask Him for more as you seek Him; if you lack faith, know that even the act of asking Him, in faith, to give you more faith delights His heart....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Feet fitted with Gospel of Peace
September 17th, 2024
The good news is that the Word of God is never bound and no matter our circumstances, God can work something good out of them....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
The breastplate of righteousness
September 16th, 2024
“I am not a sinner anymore, I am a saint who sometimes sins”. Jesus has made the great exchange, and we are righteous in Him....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Knowing Truth
September 15th, 2024
Knowing Jesus sets us free from lies and insecurities. Knowing Jesus sets us free from the opinion of others. Knowing Jesus gives us a secure identity....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Standing Firm
September 14th, 2024
Make up your mind to build up spiritual strength for the journey ahead and your life will never remain the same again....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
A chosen people, a royal priesthood
September 13th, 2024
For followers of Christ, this passage is a good reminder that we find our belonging and acceptance in Christ. We are chosen and special. This is a truth worth savouring....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Removing Idols
September 12th, 2024
So the challenge is, what are the idols in our lives? Maybe take some time now to ask God to highlight some idols that you have in your life. Then spend some time repenting, saying sorry that they hav...  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Living Sacrifice
September 11th, 2024
By calling us to live in alignment with His will, God is guiding us toward a life of peace, abundance, and purpose....  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Consecrate yourselves and the temple
September 10th, 2024
Let's be swift with the help of the Holy Spirit to make the necessary amends as we consecrate ourselves for him. ...  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Pure Hearts
September 9th, 2024
God wants us to live pure, holy lives with his help. Even when we mess up, there is grace and forgiveness. He can restore to us the joy of our salvation. ...  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Holy Before God
September 8th, 2024
Instead of an animal, God provided a son, Jesus... He is the one who died on the cross taking the punishment for your sin, taking the punishment for my sin, so that we can encounter a holy God and enc...  Read More
by Susie Raybould
Consecrate yourselves
September 7th, 2024
To consecrate means to set apart, to make holy, and to dedicate oneself to God. This act of consecration involves a deliberate, intentional decision....  Read More
by Susie Raybould