
'After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands.'
Revelation 7:9

When we look at the news from war zones or reports from Christians suffering persecution, some might ask in despair, “Where will it end?” The world is bad and getting worse. Evil seems to be triumphant on all sides.
Or if we know in our hearts that some day He will come again and complete the new creation He began at the Cross, we ask in faith, “Lord, when will it end?”

Some day. Not even Jesus knew when this would be (Matthew 24:36). So if anyone tries to persuade you they can ‘crack the code’ of prophetic scriptures, don’t believe them!

Prophecy does not work like that and there are clear indications in scripture that the End of time will come both unexpectedly and as a result of our response to the Great Commission. “The gospel must first be preached to all peoples,” Jesus said, and there are still over 2.2 billion people in unreached people groups.

What we do know is that it will be glorious!  This passage gives us a beautiful picture of the great ingathering of peoples at the end. It might seem hard work now and with limited success but God is outside time - He sees the end result of His love shown at the Cross and His infinite power shown in resurrection, complete victory.

After all the spiritual warfare, struggling in prayer against personal sin and communal sin/injustice, after praying release from demonic powers holding individuals, families and whole regions captive … after all that, what does victory look like?

Victory is a vast multitude – people beyond number from every people group.   We can think we are a small minority. In some countries there are only a handful of believers. But Creator God breathes life into us and each one has the potential to make disciples who will make disciples … until the whole world is covered with God’s glory (Habbakuk 2:14) shown in people worshipping Him.

Victory is unity in diversity – the different languages and cultures are precious and carry through to eternity but the people are united in Christ.

Victory is a holy people enjoying salvation – the flowing robes indicate festivities, the white robes indicate holiness and the palm branches salvation (John 12:13).

Victory is living in God’s presence for ever – what we could begin to see with spiritual eyes in this life will be fully revealed as spiritual reality!  Despite being a crowd, these people are all around the throne and close to God.

Victory is love for God expressed in worship – we practice expressing love for God in this life by worshipful hearts and holy actions, so that in eternity we are able to worship fully.
The angels will join in but the focus is on the worship, freely given, by people made in God’s image!

Victory comes after suffering – the elder asks John about the people, to focus John’s attention on the fact that they have come through suffering.  When we feel “It’s not fair!”

God might simply say “I know!”  When we ache and lament over the pain and suffering we see in war zones and many other situations, we cannot understand how God will make it right. But He is the judge and will wipe away every tear!

This wonderful vision of victory encourages us to keep praying, believing, loving and serving until He comes in glory.

- Chris Horton

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