Knowing Truth

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”’ John 8:31-32

Have you ever played the game ‘2 truths and a lie?’

This is a classic icebreaker to play when getting to know someone! You simply have to share 2 truths and a lie about yourself, and people have to guess which one is the lie. Here are my statements- can you guess which are true and which is the lie?!

  • I have been to Australia.
  • I studied Latin at school.
  • I have broken my ankle.

The lie is that I have broken my ankle. Thankfully, I have never broken a bone!

This is a light hearted example of how truth is important when getting to know somebody. We want to build friendships with people based on what is true. We want to live our lives based on truth.

Truth is ‘the real facts about a situation, event, or person.’

Jesus told the Jews who believed him (and to us today) that his teaching was true, and that if they held to it they would be free (John 8:32).

This is powerful.

Here are some truths from Jesus’ teaching:

  • Jesus wants you to have abundant life. (John 10:10)
  • Whoever believes in Jesus shall never die, but will have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
  • God loves you. (John 3:16)
  • Jesus knows you and is your good shepherd. (John 10:14)
  • You are not an orphan, because Jesus is with you by His Spirit. (John 14:18)
  • Jesus gives you peace. (John 14:27)
  • Jesus wants you to love God and then love others. (Mark 12:30-31)
  • Jesus doesn’t want you to focus on wealth in this world, but on heavenly treasure. (Luke 12:18-21 and Matthew 6:19-24)

There are so many more!

When we hear these truths, believe them and live based on them, we have a firm foundation for our lives.

Knowing Jesus sets us free from lies and insecurities. Knowing Jesus sets us free from the opinion of others. Knowing Jesus gives us a secure identity.

Here are 2 things you can do to grow in truth and identity:

1. Read the Bible. Have a reading plan and read the Word of God regularly. You can’t know the truth if you don’t read the truth! As you read, pray that the Holy Spirit would highlight things to you and sink them in deep.

2. Live in community. This means having regular fellowship with Christian brothers and sisters who you can grow with. Join a Home Church, meet up with friends to pray together or go on prayer walk, join our gatherings in the church building.

I pray that as you do these things, Jesus’ truth would penetrate our hearts and lives, enabling us to stand firm.

  • Susie Raybould

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