Holy Before God

God is Holy. Although not explicitly stated in Leviticus 16, it is a clear statement of God’s character in the book of Leviticus. In fact, it is a clear statement of God’s character in the whole Bible. God. Is. Holy. Read it again and re-read it. We see this theme from the book of Genesis right through to the book of Revelation where the living creatures cry 'Holy, holy, Holy' (Revelation 4:8).

God is Holy. He is the all powerful creator and author of life who is unapproachable and set apart. He lives in unapproachable light who no one can see (1 Timothy 6:16) or they will die. Yet this same unapproachable, awesome, powerful God gives us an invitation to know Him!

Israel were not Holy! They were unjust, unlawful, sinful, yet the Lord rescued them from Egypt to dwell amongst them and to live with them. That was the purpose of the Exodus; for God to live and dwell among a people who He would call His own. So, for them to encounter God, they must become holy.

Enter Leviticus- what a glorious, wonderful book in the Bible! No, really! I know it’s a hard read with so many words and details, but we read how God made a way for His people to be holy so they could encounter the presence of God.

Here in Leviticus 16 we read one of those ways, the day of atonement. The day the High Priest would take 2 goats; one to sacrifice for purification, and the other a scapegoat, to make atonement for the people of Israel so God could live among them.

God is still holy, so what does that mean for a New Testament people (us) who are not under the law? Well, the same! We are like Israel, unjust, unlawful and sinful and we need a mediator, someone to make a sacrifice on our behalf to forgive us for sin.

Instead of an animal, God provided a son, Jesus, who John describes as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). He is the one who died on the cross taking the punishment for your sin, taking the punishment for my sin, so that we can encounter a holy God and encounter His life-giving presence, so that we may have life.

We must become holy and God made a way by providing Jesus, so that we can be holy in His sight.

- Josh Raybould

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