Then Sings my Soul

Enter his gates with thanksgiving
 and his courts with praise;
 give thanks to him and praise his name
.’ Psalm 100:4

As I read this verse, an old school hymn comes to mind; ‘Stand up clap hands shout thank you Lord, thank you for the world were in. Stand up clap hands shout thank You Lord, for happiness and peace within.’

Indeed, this is what happens when we come into the Lord’s presence; we find the peace Jesus promised. Whether we come with grateful hearts or worried thoughts and anxious pleas, we can find peace.

I have a book called, ‘Praise is Dynamite.’ It includes 100 praise verses from the Bible and encourages using them when praying for breakthroughs. Psalm 100 however, is not about results, it glorifies God’s character, praising Him simply for Who He is and what He is like.

Verse 3 says ‘Know that the Lord is God.’ Our thanks should be because we get to know the God of everything that exists. We are His sheep, ‘His people’- this means we are co-heirs with Christ- another reason to be thankful. He made us, we belong to Him. Verse 5 gives us yet another reason- God is good, He loves us and He is faithful.

‘Enter His gates’ means to come into His presence. The Psalmist invites us to worship- that’s what coming into His presence means. How do we to begin worship? With thanksgiving and praise. And as we do, it is we who are transformed. Our hearts become lighter and filled with hope as we remember God’s goodness toward us. We are to delight in being with God. By our own freewill God wants to see us desire Him, love Him and want to spend time with Him. This is His desire. ‘Delight yourselves in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.’ Psalm 37:4.

Praise is a sacrifice, ‘the fruit of our lips. (Hebrews 13:15).  It acknowledges that He is God Almighty- great and good. When we give thanks and praise we take the attention off ourselves and the world and fix our thoughts on Him, putting everything else aside- we count our blessings before Him and forget not all His benefits. Praise honours Him.

When we praise we marvel at the work of God’s hands and consider all He has made. I would encourage you to consider the powerful words of the hymn,

How Great Thou Art- Lauren Daigle

- Jesse Kaur

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