Removing Idols

What is an idol? The Oxford Dictionary says that an idol is "an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship." What I usually imagine when I hear the word 'idol' is a statue that people bow down to. Or maybe even leave a food offering on at regular intervals.

But in the West, this sort of idol is less common and so this definition can be a bit misleading. A better biblical definition of an idol might be "anything that people rely on for help, guidance, or blessing instead of God." I find this a lot more challenging than the first definition. There are so many things that we can rely on for help, guidance or blessing other than God. It might be our income, our home, our family, our reputation, social standing or many other things. There are so many things that we can rely on that aren't God.

I believe this is Jesus' definition of an idol. He often challenged people to give up these things. In Luke 14:26 he challenges people to love Him more than family. In Matthew 6:24 He highlights that you can't serve God and money.

We are challenged in 2 Corinthians 6 to serve God alone and it comes with an amazing truth. God resides in us. He purchased us at a price. The price of His death on a cross. What a crazy thought, we turned away from Him, said we didn't want Him and chose sin. Then, because he loves us so much He gave all of Himself and purchased us back from the enemy. He has purchased for us the life our souls long for. Oneness with Him, living with Him in us. What a gift this is and He deserves all of us.

So the challenge is, what are the idols in our lives? Maybe take some time now to ask God to highlight some idols that you have in your life. Then spend some time repenting, saying sorry that they have taken His place. Then ask Him what you should do differently. It might be that you are spending lots of your free time on entertainment and He stirs you to cancel your Netflix and Disney+ accounts. It could be you have seen yourself being reliant on the money in your bank account and maybe God leads you to give some away. Or it could be that you are not spending time with Him each day so that you can have slightly longer in bed. Try setting your alarm 30 minutes earlier and ensure you read the Bible and pray each day.

As we commit these responses to Him in prayer, he will provide grace and we will have more fulfilled lives and a greater filling of His presence.

- Tom Milne

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