Christ, the shining Star at Christmas

Christmas. It’s a time for presents, festivities, family games and more importantly, delicious food, right? Isn't that what Christmas is all about? But wait a second, we don't see any of those in the word “Christmas.” What we do see is the word Christ.

Look a little deeper (and rearrange some letters!) and you might see the word star, just like the 3 wise magi who travelled from the far East,“ When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.” Matthew 2:10-11. I too can't help but be overjoyed at the thought of Christ being our shining star at Christmas.

John 3:16 tells us,

 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”. At Christmas, we celebrate that God gave his only son as a gift to the world.

We need to remember that, as Christians, we celebrate Christmas not because of Santa and his elves like the world portrays, but we celebrate the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ.

This season can become so busy and hectic that sometimes we may not give time to fully appreciate what God really did for us. He humbled himself and was born in a lowly stable in the small town of Bethlehem as a human, experienced human temptations and then was beaten and died on a cross. 

For a moment just let that sink in, that the creator of the entire universe did that for us.

He did it for me.

He did it for you.

He did for your family and friends. 

He even did it for those who don’t know him yet.

He did it so we can be reconciled back to the Father and have eternal life. He did all of this because of his unconditional love for us, a love that only a Heavenly Father can give.

Wasn't it an amazing response that the three magi, overjoyed at the thought of the Messiah being born, “bowed down and worshiped” because they knew he was worthy of praise.

I encourage you to not only remember what God did for you but to do as the magi did. In this season of busyness and rushing, take the time to worship the Lord, for he is worthy of all the honour and praise. Humble yourself (just like Jesus did by becoming a human) and thank God for the graciousness he continues to provide in your lives. 

Remember the star I found in the word Christmas? The star is mounted on top of a Christmas tree to shine. That is the perfect reason for us to shine brighter to people as Christians in this season, for the eternal light of Jesus resides in us and he is the light of the world.  

-           Amar Gill


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