The Gospel is bearing fruit!
‘…the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace.’ Colossians 1:6
The Gospel is bearing fruit!
Paul wrote this wonderful statement to the Church in Colossae encouraging them that the Gospel is bearing fruit. The Gospel - the message that “Jesus is God with us, come to show us God's love, save us from sin, set up God's kingdom, and shut down religion, so we can share in God's life”, is life giving and fruitful.
I think of what Paul was thinking as he wrote that statement, maybe thinking of his own conversion or the encounter with the jailer and a whole family being baptised, or even the great revival in Ephesus. The Gospel truly was bearing fruit.
The Gospel still bears fruit today! There is a growing hunger amongst young people in the UK who are responding to the Gospel, radically committing their lives to Jesus and immediately telling all their friends about Jesus.
The Gospel is bearing fruit!
We are also seeing the Gospel bear fruit throughout the whole world, just as Paul wrote about around 2000 years ago. Hearing stories of wonderful moves of God in places like Iran and China where in a generation we have seen multiple millions come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
The Gospel is bearing fruit!
What is amazing is as we read on in Colossians 1:10, Paul prays for us to bear fruit. The wonderful truth is, the Gospel bears fruit through us!! We are the fruit of the Gospel and we bear the fruit of the Gospel.
As we consider Kingdom Expansion today and you go throughout your day, consider these questions: how is the Gospel bearing fruit through me today? Am I bearing the fruit of the Gospel? Is there anyone today who needs to hear the Gospel?
May we all bear the fruit of the Gospel in every good way (Colossians 1:10).
- Josh Raybould