The Prayers of God’s People
Whilst in a recent zoom meeting I had a picture of boxes all stacked up on top of and alongside each other, creating a wall in front of me on each side and behind me, on three sides.
Each box was a room, a secret place, a bedroom, a living room; the place where people pray. (Imagine opening the front door of a doll’s house where you can see inside each room, upstairs and downstairs, but with multiple storeys.)
In each of the rooms there was someone praying, some were kneeling by a bed, some standing with arms raised, others pacing the floor.
Out of each room I could see water flowing and falling down the wall. Every flow then joined together to form a river at the bottom.
The water coming out of each room was generated from the prayers being prayed.
I was greatly encouraged by what I could see and each time I came to prayer after this, the same picture has come to mind.
If I’m being really honest, there are some times when I have felt weary when praying, and have asked myself, ‘are my prayers making any difference?’
This picture reassures me that they do and spurs me on.
‘How lovely is your dwelling place Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.’ Psalm 84:1-2
What a joy and a privilege we have, to come into the presence of the Lord, to sit at his feet and talk with him.
I have also been struck by how ready God is to answer our prayers; he’s just waiting for us to talk to him. Even the smallest prayer, the faintest whisper he hears and responds to.
My heart just overflows with joy at this thought, and I have had to repent of my doubt.
God delights in us his children. We are the apple of his eye, he loves the sound of our voices, he longs for our hearts.
‘My dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places on the mountainside, show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely.’ Song of Songs 2:14
The longer we spend in his presence the more he is able to impart into us, wisdom, strength, strategy, knowledge, understanding, and his hear. This is his pleasure, something he longs to do.
‘I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.’ Ephesians 3:16-17a
The longer we are in prayer, the greater the flow of water and the greater impact on life around us. What a joy to be able to partner with him in this way
Let us Pray
Lord, we want to know your heart and to be trusted with its secrets.
Enlarge our hearts and give us the desire to pray, to know the joy of being with you above anything else.
Strengthen us to stand, to run with you and teach us how to pray and to call upon your name, that we would see your Kingdom established here on earth.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
- Christine Smith