Jesus loves the church - what will it be like?
July 19th, 2024
In Revelation 7 we have a glorious picture of the church made up of people from every tribe and language - every people group. There will be some surprising people and some surprising expressions of c...  Read More
Jesus loves the church... and heals us when we hurt each other
July 12th, 2024
A great number of people today say they love Jesus but ignore or even hate the church because it has been a context for harm, rather than for wholeness. Catherine and I had this experience in the 1980...  Read More
Jesus loves the church- but what should the church be like?
July 5th, 2024
It has to be a church that looks like him... So if we want to fulfil our purpose as church, we have to look like Jesus. That's why he makes such a big deal of knowing the Father and becoming one (John...  Read More
Everybody needs good neighbours
July 5th, 2024
God is working through neighbourly connections. They are so important they feature in the second most important commandment- Love your neighbour (Mark 12:31)....  Read More
Jesus loves the church- but what is it for?
June 28th, 2024
God's purpose is ever so simple. Our mission is to make disciples in every people group....  Read More
Jesus loves the church - but what do we mean by church?
June 21st, 2024
He (Jesus) was talking to a ‘rag bag’ bunch of people whose only connection with each other was that they were connected Jesus. So we are not talking about an institution, or an organisation. Church i...  Read More