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Belong: Living in God’s Family
I have been hurt, let down and disappointed from time to time in every church context where I have belonged – plenty of practice in forgiveness, and in asking forgiveness because I have treated others badly too! But I have seen by revelation something of how God views the church so I will not let go of it!
Belong: Living in God’s Family
We all have a basic human need to belong, because we are created that way. God wants us to be part of interlinked communities that together reflect His glory… I wanted to recover a vision for what God’s people, the church, can be – much broader and more diverse, much more relational and experimental than most of us dare believe.
The Discipline of Celebration
I believe it can be similar for us. We may experience a season of challenge and suffering, which is why celebrating the breakthrough is so important afterwards. After our son was born, I found the first few weeks and months extremely difficult. Gradually things improved and we chose to have a big party for his 1st birthday- to celebrate his 1st year but also to celebrate us as parents and how God had sustained us!
Walking in the light
We must not hide that light, but let it shine for all to see, Jesus expresses the importance of a ‘lamp stand’ to illuminate the whole house, not just a part of it, but the entirety of it. We are the lamps, the true spiritual light, the light of Christ. The light that is meant to be seen by all and is not covered up.
Awakened and Aligned
Throughout the conference, God awakened us to His kingdom purposes. There was a strong prophetic and apostolic sense in the air, and we left with the conviction that we are part of something far greater than ourselves. Together, we are being prepared for the greatest outpouring of His Spirit that this world has ever seen. God is knitting hearts and raising up a consecrated people to advance His kingdom.
I love to imagine the scene - a crowd of men, women and children gathered around Jesus on the mountainside. Matthew tells us they were astounded at what they heard, because he spoke with authority, “Not like the scribes” Matthew 7:29. Jesus gave his listeners dignity. I imagine the women were particularly overjoyed at this opportunity to sit at his feet, in sharp contrast with the Jewish conventions which kept them at a distance.
Whichever way we understand it, to turn the battle means living victoriously as Christians and playing our part in seeing the Kingdom come. Every prayer, every declaration made in the Holy Spirit, every act of humble obedience to God matters. Each one brings in the Kingdom and contributes to those around us being set free!
Sword of the spirit
God’s Word is food for our spirit. Jesus point out that we don’t live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). God’s Word will give us the right vitamins and nourishment for us to grow stronger in our faith. But it’s important that we don’t treat scripture like we would a buffet.
The Helmet of Salvation
Securing our thoughts and renewing our minds to the word of God restores our fallen broken way of thinking. If we don’t fix the mind, everything that gets invested leaks out as the mind refuses to change. Exposing our unprotected mind to the enemy’s attacks open the doorway to deception. To face the enemy without our helmet is the equivalent of spiritual suicide!
The shield of faith
Faith delights the Lord. We only ever read that Jesus was amazed twice in the gospel, and on both occasions it was in response to a person’s faith in Him – a Roman Centurion seeking help for his sick servant and a Syrophoenician woman asking that her daughter might be healed. It’s interesting to note that both of these individuals were gentiles, and therefore not trying to live under the excessive rules and regulations of Israel’s religious leaders. Simple, childlike faith trusts that God is true to His nature and doesn’t allow religious understanding to undermine His power and willingness to do good.
Feet fitted with Gospel of Peace
ou may wonder, what if I cannot physically go? What if I am housebound, bedridden, or otherwise unable to move? Can I still be used by God? Can my feet still be fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace? The good news is that the Word of God is never bound and no matter our circumstances, God can work something good out of them. In the book of Acts we read about the Apostle Paul who faced many trials for his faith. Acts 28 tells an inspiring story where Paul, though a prisoner under house arrest, used his situation as a platform for sharing the gospel of peace (Acts 28:30-31). Let me encourage you today, that the commission to share the good news is for all disciples of Jesus and He provides the grace needed for each of us.
The breastplate of righteousness
The breastplate of righteousness covers our hearts and gives us protection over any fiery dart of the enemy towards our hearts. The Bible says in Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” We guard our hearts with the breastplate of righteousness so that all the lies of the enemy will not penetrate our hearts.
Knowing truth
When we hear these truths, believe them and live based on them, we have a firm foundation for our lives.
Knowing Jesus sets us free from lies and insecurities. Knowing Jesus sets us free from the opinions of others. Knowing Jesus gives us a secure identity.
Standing Firm
There is a new level that God is calling us all to but only those who have built spiritual strength and are standing firm, will be able to access this level and in the coming days, we will be looking at some of the tools that our master has set out for us.
A chosen people, a royal priesthood
The human heart longs for acceptance, significance, to be loved and known. All around us, we see the lengths people will go to in order to satisfy these longings. Whether it's searching for acceptance in relationships, ambitiously climbing a career ladder in the hopes of being perceived as significant, or promoting the highlight reels of our lives on social media. There are countless ways that we try to satisfy our deepest longings.